Chinese Holly

Sun or shade; evergreen with stiff glossy leaves. The spiny leaves are distinctive, with the central tip pointing downward and the outer tips pointing up, resembling horns. Red berries in winter. [...]


Burford Holly

Sun/part shade; evergreen; shiny, dark green leaves with sharp spines; ornamental red berries in late fall and winter. An excellent and frequently used foundation plant, fairly tolerant of [...]



Partial shade. An interesting herbaceous biennial, with very large soft leaves and plentiful white flowerheads in autumn that attract butterflies. During the first freeze of each year, the stems [...]


English Ivy

Shade. Evergreen, with large, glossy, dark-green leaves. English ivy is easy to grow and makes a great groundcover for bright moist shade around buildings and trees, filling in structural beds [...]


Dusty Miller

Sun or part shade; protect from western sun. Nearly evergreen annual or short-lived perennial, with velvety-white foliage. A favorite bedding plant, massed among more strongly formed ornamentals [...]


Pink Thoroughwort

Partial or full shade; a nearly evergreen perennial grown for its attractive, coppery foliage in early spring and fall; cold- hardy to 10 degrees in south-central Texas.


Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’

Sun or partial shade; evergreen. A low-growing herb with aromatic, feathery foliage which makes an easy groundcover or a companion for more strongly formed plants. Not favored by [...]


Rosemary (Trailing)

Sun or shade; evergreen with small clusters of light lavender-blue flowers; blooms spring through fall. Prostrate varieties can be used as ground cover or bank cover. And of course it can be used [...]



Sun; evergreen with masses of soft, dull, needle-like leaves and clusters of light lavender-blue flowers; blooms spring through fall and into winter. Useful as a perennial, a ground cover, or an [...]


Lindheimer Muhly

Sun/part shade. An outstanding fine-textured bunchgrass with ornamental seed plumes and silvery grey foliage. Very hardy on limestone outcrops, in its native range it is most often found near [...]

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