Heart-leaf Hibiscus


Devil’s Bouquet

A low, sprawling annual that blooms throughout the warm season. The gray-green, fleshy foliage is sticky to the touch with a mottled appearance. The bright red flowers make it a standout in dry [...]



Full sun. A shrub the size of a small tree, with waxy flowers and a terrific perfume familiar to anyone who’s ever been presented a Hawaiian lei. The big tropical leaves toss in the softest [...]


Crape Myrtle

Full sun (crape myrtles will not bloom well in the shade around your live oaks.) Deciduous. Crape myrtle is a lovely ornamental with muscular trunks, colorful peeling bark, and a wide range of [...]



Partial shade; best with up to 6 hours of morning sun. A short-lived biennial or perennial with blue-green leaves, blooming in red, white, pink and purple, mostly in spring but sometimes [...]


Big Red Sage

Sun. An herbaceous perennial salvia, with 2′-3′ tall wands of reddish-purple sage flowers in spring and summer. Somewhat similar to scarlet sage in habit, but the glossy leaves are [...]



Full or partial sun. A large-leaved herbaceous perennial with leaves and habits resembling its close relatives, banana and ginger. Big, warm-colored flowers resemble iris, attracting hummingbirds [...]



Sun or shade; it needs less water in filtered shade. A low-sprawling evergreen perennial with scarlet-red blooms and softly (and sometimes sharply) fuzzy apple-green leaves. Betony is deer [...]


Globe Amaranth

Full sun; a drought-tolerant annual that blooms in a variety of colors including white, purple, pink and red. Easily grown from seed planted in early summer.\n\nBachelor’s button has [...]


Mutabilis Rose

Sun; semi-evergreen. Mutabilis is a terrific landscape and shrub rose. Its vigorous habit and size can hide any other imperfections. Very simple \”butterfly\” flowers appear [...]