
Thunder Turf

Thunderturf leaves.

Full sun. A mix of buffalo grass, blue grama and curly mesquite; it can establish fairly quickly by seed (in about one month.) Thunderturf aims to provide a soft native […]


Habiturf and Thunderturf leaves.

Full sun. A native turf mix (\”The Ecological Lawn\”) consisting of a mix of buffalo grass, blue grama and curly mesquite; it establishes quickly (in about one month) requires little […]

Curly Mesquite Grass

Sun (at least 6 hours/day during summer.) A warm season shortgrass, drought tolerant and useful as a turf grass. It may grow up to about a foot in height, but […]


Sun. A humble annual croton with silvery-yellow, fragrant leaves. The flowers are tiny. Ubiquitous in the rocky limestone of the Edwards Plateau and sandy soils, it forms a wild groundcover […]

Blue Grama

Blue grama grass with seedheads.

Sun. A short 4\” bunchgrass with thin leaves and a plush texture. The large seedheads may extend up to a foot or more in autumn, suspended horizontally from the stems.\n\nFully […]

Carpet Bugleweed

Full (or at least partial) shade. Evergreen, with spikes of blue flowers in summer. A dense, fast-spreading purple groundcover spreading by runners, frequently used as an informal shade groundcover in […]


Shade or sun. Deciduous, forming a soft mat-like groundcover that often outperforms turfgrass in shade, with the bonus of prolific yellow blooms during the warm season. Many lawns on the […]

Buffalo Grass

Sun (not shade). A native grass used as turf; the blue-green color and delicate white seed heads make a soft, plush lawn. Buffalograss is suitable for lawns without much foot […]

Bermuda Grass

Full sun; will go dormant (brown) during winter and during hot summers. An easy turfgrass to grow, it can be established by sod or by seed. However, plan on regular […]