Sun (not shade). A native grass with a billowy texture, forming shortgrass meadows. The blue-green color and delicate white seed heads make a soft, plush lawn as long as there’s not too much foot traffic. Various turf-like selections are available, including 609, Prairie, and Stampede; choose a cultivar carefully, as some can grow up to 12 inches.
Habiturf and Thunderturf are native grass mixes that combine buffalo grass with blue grama and curly mesquite grass for a durable turf-like texture thick enough to discourage weeds.
Establish by seed in late spring (or by sod anytime of year.) Overwatering and over-mowing cause buffalo to weaken and succumb to weedy invaders like Bermuda grass. Limit mowing to twice per year, using a height of AT LEAST 3 inches; or just brush-sculpt to maintain a pleasant texture. Buffalo grass is dormant during winter and during drought. It survives on less than 1 1/2 inches of water per month; when in doubt, don’t water.