
Cowpen Daisy

Verbesina encelioides

Butter Daisy

About This Plant

Sun. A self-seeding annual with grey-green toothed leaves and cheerful yellow flowers throughout the warm season. The flowers can be distinguished from similar daisy and sunflower species by their three-toothed rays. Cowpen daisy is drought-tolerant and not picky as to soil type; it thrives on disturbed soil, hence the name. It’s terrific plant for backgrounds and in the butterfly garden, where it reseeds enthusiastically. Trim to keep it tidy. South-central U.S.; a Texas native.

Origins: South-central U.S.


Carefree, but sloppy plants may benefit from cutting back occasionally during summer and after freezes.

A carefree addition to the butterfly garden, easy to grow in any soil type.

Min. Height: 1'

Max Height: 3 feet'

Min. Width: 1'

Max Width: 2 feet'

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