Butterfly Beacons You Can Count On

69 butterfly species counted in one day! The Annual Butterfly Count Every year throughout North America, butterfly enthusiasts, entomologists, nature lovers, and curious volunteers gather to [...]


The Path to Less Grass

A large lawn requires a lot of water, time and maintenance — now and in the future. Why not give up some grass? There are many more cool things you can do with your outdoor space. When designing [...]


Make the Most of Hand Watering

There’s an art to watering well with a handheld hose. When done correctly, hand watering yields amazing results. It’s also an enjoyable, relaxing way to spend time in your landscape. [...]


San Antonio Stage 2 Drought Rules

Watering days stay the same in Stage 2 as in Stage 1, but watering hours are shortened: 7-11 a.m. and 7-11 p.m. on your day. When in San Antonio dry, hot conditions settle in causing the Edwards [...]


Steer Deer Clear of Your Landscape

You can make your landscape look a little less inviting to deer with plants that offend their sensibilities. Deer sneer at plants that are aromatic, prickly or hairy, and plants with milky sap. [...]


Doing Drip Right

If you want to save water (and money) with drip irrigation, it all comes down to selecting the right design for your landscape, installing it properly and scheduling it correctly. Drip irrigation [...]


These Summer Garden Tips Are HOT!

If you’re fortunate enough to have a WaterSaver garden, you can skip the sprinklers and give your plants an early summer grooming instead to help prepare them for the dog days ahead It’s [...]


WaterSaver Coupon Program Has Ended For Now

Applications are now closed for the coupon program. But it’s not too early to start planning your landscape projects — coupons are available during the spring and fall Sign up for [...]