
Roughleaf Dogwood

Cornus drummondii

Roughleaf Dogwood

About This Plant

Sun/part shade; deciduous, with the characteristic, heavily veined, teardrop-shaped leaves found on other dogwoods. Bouquets of white flowers appear in spring, with bountiful fruit and nice burgundy-grey color in autumn. Versatile, durable and thicket-forming, roughleaf dogwood is especially common along fencelines, creeksides and forest edges. It grows comfortably around larger trees and makes a natural addition to any wildscape or where an informal screen is desired. The roots are fairly shallow, making it useful around foundations and water lines.

Origins: Eastern U.S. and Canada; northern Mexico


Pruning; training. Dogwood can be maintained as a specimen tree, hedged like a boxwood, or allowed to form wooded edges thanks to its abundant root suckers.

A small flowering tree that deserves more use. The only dogwood for this area.

Min. Height: 12'

Max Height: 16 feet'

Min. Width: 12'

Max Width: 16 feet'

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