
Partial shade; best with up to 6 hours of morning sun. A short-lived biennial or perennial with blue-green leaves, blooming in red, white, pink and purple, mostly in spring but sometimes [...]


Wild Petunia

Sun or shade. Wild petunia is a small herbaceous perennial with purple trumpet-shaped flowers, blooming from spring to fall. The 2\” flowers bloom in loose panicles and last for a single [...]


Salvia ‘Mystic Spires’

Sun or partial sun. Mystic Spires is a compact version of the standby ‘Indigo Spires’ salvia — believed to have originated as an irradiated seedling. Spikes of deep purple [...]


Widow’s Tears

Winter annual that grows well in shady areas. Grass like sprouts emerge in late October or November that develop into surprisingly dense clumps. In the spring stems adorned with lavender flowers [...]



Shade or part sun. Mounding perennial with soft stems up to 3 feet tall if supported by other material. Small sky-blue flowers appear in the spring, summer and fall when temperatures and moisture [...]


Texas Milkweed

Sun or full Shade. A clump-forming deciduous perennial, up to 24 inches. Thin, dark green, oval shaped leaves grow in opposite pairs up the stem. Each stem is capped by an umbel of small white [...]


Wand Milkweed

Full sun or part shade. Perennial, stems are slender, up to three feet tall and produced singly or in pairs. The intricate green flowers appear in large umbels along the stem throughout the [...]


Zizotes Milkweed

Fun sun or partial shade. Perennial, with mounding foliage up to 24 inches tall and wide. Clusters of small, intricate pale green flowers appear throughout the year, followed by conspicuous green [...]



Sun; some protection from western sun can make for a more attractive plant. Evergreen, with mostly unbranched pale, waxy stems. Leaves and white flowers are both inconspicuous. The waxy coating [...]


Brown-eyed Susan

Sun or partial shade, with well-drained soil. Blooming from late spring to summer, this cheerful, widespread wildflower is considered an annual to a short-lived perennial across its range. Showy [...]