Kevin Pride


Emma Jones


A bird’s eye view of your garden

Think of your garden as a welcome mat for migrating birds. Plant natives, turn out the lights and embrace our feathered travelers. Springtime in Texas can be simply sublime with its eye-widening [...]


The Bloom returns March 11

Get the secrets for stunning gardens that can withstand a sizzling San Antonio summer at SAWS Spring Bloom. With all the wildflowers throwing open their petals, you know Spring Bloom is almost [...]


What’s your garden style?

Spring Bloom returns March 11! Come learn how your garden style can express your personality — and save water. Quietly poring over gardening websites while tucked cozily inside this winter? Me, [...]


Holiday help from your garden

Let your landscape lighten up the season with helpful last-minute gifts, delightful drinks and much-needed peace. With holiday shopping, baking cookies and a whole-house deep cleaning still on my [...]


Garden tasks to tackle before tailgating

Whether you support your squad from the sidelines or the sofa, think of these five simple chores as your pregame warm-up. Autumn feels like even more of a relief than usual this year! Luckily, a [...]


FAQ – Commercial Irrigation Design Rebate


FAQ – Commercial Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate


Commercial Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate Application