Watering Once-a-Week Rules Still in Place

Summer is just around the corner and that means gardening, lawn care and, of course, watering will top many to-do lists. But before you haul out the hose-end sprinklers and set ‘em and forget [...]


Landscape for Wildlife

For city dwellers and subur­banites, native vegetation and wildlife habitat are at a pre­mium. But it’s simple to plan your own small-scale nature preserve. You could start by limiting your lawn. [...]


Get Your Garden On Safely

For most of us, gardening is a form of relaxation. While some people refer to it as puttering around, gardening can be an opportunity to just enjoy the quiet beauty or listen to the birds. [...]


Black-eyed Peasy

That’s right folks, a new year is upon us and that means it’s time to bust out the black-eyed peas. (And, I don’t mean Fergie and friends.) It’s also time for a teachable moment — either give a [...]


Brining Olives

For the first time in seven years, my olive tree is loaded with olives! My enthusiasm has turned into motivation, with full intent to process my crop. Every olive starts off green in color then [...]


Winter Bird Feeder

Winter is the perfect opportunity for bird watching. During the cooler months, birds have to forage for food as the insects that were in abundance are now gone. And, native birds have to compete [...]


Toy Garden – Upcycled Creature Feature

Giving isn’t just for adults. Teaching children the joy and satisfaction of giving to others can start at almost any age. Being intentional about teaching children to give instills values that [...]


Gift of Nature for the Holiday

Night temperatures are dipping lower — a subtle reminder that winter will soon be upon us. It’s also a perfect reminder to start collecting for holiday gift giving. As gardens in and around San [...]


Your Water Meter As Leak Detector

Unfortunately, most customers don’t realize they have a leak until they receive an outrageously high water bill. Let’s get up close and personal with your meter, so this doesn’t happen to you: it [...]


My Date with the Grease Monster

While reading the classifieds in the newspaper, I came across a rather peculiar personal ad: “Monster who enjoys long walks through San Antonio sewer pipes, clogging them up and ruining [...]

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