Rest, ponder and plan: strategize landscape changes now

No need to rush outdoors to preplan landscape improvements. Find a heap of how-tos, ideas and inspiration right from the comfort of your favorite chair. When you look out upon your winter [...]


Winter weeds or Texas wildflowers?

If your lawn looks like it’s drowning in winter weeds, it may be a good time to start mowing, cutting or weeding. Thanks to moderate weather and recent rains, cool season annual seedlings are [...]


Here’s your short, sweet guide to San Antonio gardening

It can be hard to remember when to tackle which landscaping tasks. Lucky for you we have a quick reference to local gardening to-dos. Think fast — when is the best time to prune roses or plant [...]


Real tough red yucca

There’s nothing like a week of deep freezes to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to evergreen foundation plants. This week’s seasonal star is red yucca (Hesperaloe parvifolia), not [...]


Take notice of nature

Start your journey of being totally present in the moment and become a keen observer of the natural world around you. I suspect that if you read this newsletter and visit gardenstylesa.com, you [...]


Enjoy purple asters every month of the year

Take a good gander. Chances are you’ll spot these prolific happy little flowers blooming somewhere near you. One of the most widespread and successful plant families is the aster family, [...]


How Hygge Is Your Garden?

Comfy, cozy surroundings aren’t just reserved for the inside of your home. Your landscape can become a Danish-inspired hygge haven for your wildlife friends with a few simple tweaks. Snuggling [...]


Plan to prune now

January is an excellent time to finish oak pruning. Oak wilt poses an ongoing threat to the majestic oak trees that grace San Antonio landscapes. This vascular disease — caused by the fungus [...]