
Plant Berry Fruitful Trees This Winter

Trees and shrubs that produce small fruit are extremely important to our feathered and furry friends during the winter. But they are also very appealing to the eye. For both reasons, let’s plant some fruit-bearing plants.

Here are several options:



A small single or multi-trunk tree that produces bluish black fruit in late summer.

Carolina buckthorn

A small native tree that produces black fruit with multiple seeds in early fall.


A large tree that produces red to black fruit late summer to late fall, and one of the best trees for wildlife.

Rusty blackhaw

A small single or multi-trunk tree that produces a cluster of dark blue fruit.

Mexican plum

A medium size tree that produces white flowers in the spring and golf ball sized fruit in early fall.



A small evergreen shrub that produces yellow flowers and red fruit late summer.

American beautyberry

A small deciduous shrub that produces bright purple fruit late summer.

Barbados cherry

A small, low-growing shrub that produces red fruit in early fall that is extremely high in vitamin C.

Deciduous holly

A small multi-trunk tree or shrub that is male and female. Only the female produces scarlet fruit in late fall.

Yaupon holly

A small multi-trunk evergreen tree or shrub that also comes in male and female.


Evergreen wisteria

Unfortunately is not always evergreen in San Antonio, but does produce richly colored purple fruit in late summer to late fall.

Adding fruit producing trees, shrubs and vines to your landscape appeals both to wildlife and your eye.

Picture of Mark Peterson
Mark Peterson
Mark A. Peterson was a conservation project coordinator for San Antonio Water System before retiring. With over 30 years of experience as an urban forester and arborist, Mark is probably the only person you know who actually prunes trees for fun. When not expounding on the benefits of trees and limited lawns, you're likely to find him hiking San Antonio's wilderness parks or expounding on the virtues of geography and history to his friends.
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