Sun/part shade. Indian blanket is one of the easiest wildflowers to grow, with daisy-like blooms in bright fiery colors that any child will recognize. It grows densely, blanketing open roadsides and plains in late spring and summer. The tall flower stalks become somewhat woody late in the season.
Although it’s widespread and obviously not picky as to the site, it grows best in sandy well-drained soils.
Gaillardia has a variety of medicinal uses, and Kiowas considered it good luck.
Plant seed in autumn at least two weeks before first freeze to allow time to develop a strong taproot for winter. Rake seeds into contact with loose soil.
No care needed during bloom season, although summer water and deadheading may extend the bloom. Flower stalks can be mown after seeds have fallen.
In warm winters some plants may endure as short-lived perennials.