Snake Apple

A native vine with deeply lobed leaves. The flowers are small and yellow, but the big red fruits they produce are distinctive and eye-catching. Balsam gourd grows well in part shade and is [...]


Pearl Milkweed Vine

An unobtrusive vine whose small flowers bear a curiously shiny pearl-like center. Often found growing in shaded settings around live oaks and Texas persimmon. Seed pods develop in summer, covered [...]


Devil’s Bouquet

A low, sprawling annual that blooms throughout the warm season. The gray-green, fleshy foliage is sticky to the touch with a mottled appearance. The bright red flowers make it a standout in dry [...]



Sun. Evergreen. Considered one of the loveliest native American trees. Magnolia’s white, fragrant flowers and perfect upright posture earn it an outsize role in Southern culture and [...]


Lindheimer Daisy

Sun or partial shade. A reseeding wildflower. Appearing in winter as a distinct lettuce-like rosette of fuzzy, deeply lobed leaves, Lindheimer’s daisy begins growing swiftly in February. [...]



Partial shade; best with up to 6 hours of morning sun. A short-lived biennial or perennial with blue-green leaves, blooming in red, white, pink and purple, mostly in spring but sometimes [...]


Wild Petunia

Sun or shade. Wild petunia is a small herbaceous perennial with purple trumpet-shaped flowers, blooming from spring to fall. The 2\” flowers bloom in loose panicles and last for a single [...]


Salvia ‘Mystic Spires’

Sun or partial sun. Mystic Spires is a compact version of the standby ‘Indigo Spires’ salvia — believed to have originated as an irradiated seedling. Spikes of deep purple [...]


Widow’s Tears

Winter annual that grows well in shady areas. Grass like sprouts emerge in late October or November that develop into surprisingly dense clumps. In the spring stems adorned with lavender flowers [...]



Sun. A cool-season grass used as a turf cover crop in high-traffic areas like golf courses, ballfields, and some ranches. It is occasionally used in residential lawns; it works best in yards with [...]