
Time for a Seasonal Spruce-Up

While you’re out in your landscape prepping it for the holiday season, consider what changes you can make next year.

In San Antonio, we’re fortunate to have milder winter weather in November and December. That makes it the perfect time to get outdoors and tend to some landscape chores. And while you’re out in your yard, it’s a great time to start planning your holiday scheme, too.

I don’t know about you, but after a brutal, hot summer I am so ready to spend lots of time outside tootling about my yard and making it pretty.

Here’s an easy way to get started with these “Ps”:

  • Planting – fall is the ideal time in South Texas to plant trees and perennials.
    tree planting
  • Pruning – late November through the middle of February is the best time to prune trees and large shrubs.
  • Planning – think about what fared well and what didn’t this past year. For example, if you’ve replaced turf more than twice in the past five years, now is a good time to go in another direction.
    landscaper making notes
  • Provide – fall and early winter are the most important times to provide nutrition and organic matter to plants. Use slow release products like winter fertilizer, organic blends, or compost.
    fertilizing lawn

While you’re in your landscape transforming it into a winter wonderland, consider the changes you can make next year. Our coupon programs will be back in the spring so now is the time to plan for that.

Visit to search for all things gardening. And while you’re there, check out our calendar for various virtual opportunities to earn some WaterSaver Rewards!

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Guest Author
Our Guest Authors are fantastic former SAWS employees, incredible interns and community leaders in the local landscaping world. They are all as passionate as we are about saving water with beautiful, diverse landscapes.
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