
Keep Calm and Water Smart

By Nathan Glavy

Being water smart with your outdoor watering is simple. Give your landscape the water it needs, but be smart about it! Here are a few ways you can water smart outdoors:

Plan your irrigation system accordingly: An irrigation system can be VERY water-demanding if it’s not properly managed.

  • Adjust your watering schedule so you are ONLY watering on your set day based on the last digit of your street address: 0,1= Mon.; 2,3= Tues.; 4,5 = Wed.; 6,7= Thus.; 8.9 = Fri. You can always hand water any day, any time.
  • Set your controller to the allowed watering times, before 10 a.m. or after 9 p.m. Remember that your watering day BEGINS and ENDS at MIDNIGHT; overnight watering is not allowed.

Keep an eye on the weather. Weather in San Antonio can be unpredictable. Make sure you water your landscape only when it needs it.

  • You can easily turn your irrigation system off and on as needed.
  • Visit GardenStyleSA for recommended weekly watering advice.

Plan for future restrictions.

  • Set your irrigation system in accordance with stage two drought restrictions.
  • Your watering day will not change. The only difference will be the hours when you can water with your irrigation system — from 5-10 a.m. and 9-12 p.m.

When you water-smart, your landscape will get the water it needs. If you need help programming your irrigation system, call to set up a free irrigation consultation with one of our conservation consultants by calling 210-704-SAVE (7283) or emailing .

Nathan Glavy is a conservation intern with the San Antonio Water System.

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Guest Author
Our Guest Authors are fantastic former SAWS employees, incredible interns and community leaders in the local landscaping world. They are all as passionate as we are about saving water with beautiful, diverse landscapes.
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