Now that cooler weather has set in, that’s good news for your sprinkler system because it means you can give it a break.
In fact, this is the ideal time to have your irrigation system checked thoroughly by an irrigator. Or, call us at 210-704-SAVE to set up an irrigation checkup with one of our conservation consultants. If you choose to inspect it yourself, here are a few things you should examine.
Irrigation Controller Basics from San Antonio Water System on Vimeo.
First, make sure your controller has a rain sensor – per city ordinance – so the sprinkler system doesn’t run when it’s raining. Also, change the 9-volt battery inside the panel of the controller, as this retains the program memory in case of a power outage. Identify incorrect zone settings, such as excessive run times. Locate all valves and check for leaks and proper operation.
Next, test the sprinkler heads to make sure they are operating properly. Check for leaks, proper zone coverage and, most importantly, overspray onto sidewalks, driveways and the street – that’s considered water waste. Also, clean or change clogged nozzles and look over your entire landscape for any sign of leaks.
SAWS offers irrigation design rebates for residential water customers. Call 210-704-SAVE to schedule an irrigation consultation with one of our trained conservation consultants.