
Autumn Sage

Salvia greggii

Autumn Sage; Cherry Sage; Gregg Sage; Gregg Salvia

About This Plant

Sun/part shade; evergreen. A tough salvia with tubular red, pink, purple, or white flowers throughout the year (especially in spring or fall). The flowers are sweet and edible, attract hummingbirds, and make a good companion plant in the herb garden. A far west Texas native, autumn sage adapts to many soil types but needs good drainage and benefits from a little organic matter (i.e. compost) if planted in heavy clay. Groom it three times a year to keep it tidy: cut back by half in February or after early spring, by a third in June (after flowering) and again in August to prep for fall.

Origins: West Texas south to Mexico.


Grooming; generally cut back in late winter and again in June; removal of dead wood and older canes results in a better-looking plant. Responds well to supplemental water in sun.

A workhorse in the watersaver garden.

Min. Height: 2'

Max Height: 3 feet'

Min. Width: 2'

Max Width: 3 feet'

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