Devil’s Bouquet

A low, sprawling annual that blooms throughout the warm season. The gray-green, fleshy foliage is sticky to the touch with a mottled appearance. The bright red flowers make it a standout in dry [...]



Full sun. A shrub the size of a small tree, with waxy flowers and a terrific perfume familiar to anyone who’s ever been presented a Hawaiian lei. The big tropical leaves toss in the softest [...]


Crape Myrtle

Full sun (crape myrtles will not bloom well in the shade around your live oaks.) Deciduous. Crape myrtle is a lovely ornamental with muscular trunks, colorful peeling bark, and a wide range of [...]



Sun. A humble annual croton with silvery-yellow, fragrant leaves. The flowers are tiny. Ubiquitous in the rocky limestone of the Edwards Plateau and sandy soils, it forms a wild groundcover in [...]



Sun. Evergreen. Considered one of the loveliest native American trees. Magnolia’s white, fragrant flowers and perfect upright posture earn it an outsize role in Southern culture and [...]


Bird Wing Passionflower

Full sun to Shade. This native vine has small intricate green flowers. The odd Leaf shape is also a point of interest. Uncommon in the nursery trade but may volunteer in yards in San Antonio. [...]


Bracted Passionflower Vine

Full/part shade; a native vine with small, intricate green flowers. Uncommon in the nursery trade but may volunteer in yards in Northern San Antonio. Homeowners lucky enough to have one growing [...]


Blue Grama

Sun. A short 4\” bunchgrass with thin leaves and a plush texture. The large seedheads may extend up to a foot or more in autumn, suspended horizontally from the stems.\n\nFully grown blue [...]


Wild Petunia

Sun or shade. Wild petunia is a small herbaceous perennial with purple trumpet-shaped flowers, blooming from spring to fall. The 2\” flowers bloom in loose panicles and last for a single [...]


Salvia ‘Mystic Spires’

Sun or partial sun. Mystic Spires is a compact version of the standby ‘Indigo Spires’ salvia — believed to have originated as an irradiated seedling. Spikes of deep purple [...]