Fall for the Benefits of Mulch
Mulch is a natural way to enhance organic matter and
Mark Peterson
August 31, 2021
Make High Water Bills a Thing of the Past
SAWS offers many programs and resources to help you avoid
Mark Peterson
August 24, 2021
The Considerate Uninvited Guest
If you’ve seen a boastfully bright orange butterfly beating about
Cleveland Powell
August 24, 2021
Want To Cut Your Water Use in Half? Stop Irrigating Landscape Beds.
Those yuccas, sages and muhly grasses likely don’t need all
Brad Wier
August 17, 2021
Go for the Water-Saving Gold
The fastest way to score Olympic-size savings is to turn
Mark Peterson
August 17, 2021
Thin Soil? Don’t Fight It — Exploit It!
No matter where your home is located, the key to
Juan Soulas
August 10, 2021
Our Fuss-Free Plant Picks for Shallow Soil
Some plants fail miserably in thin soil. But these natives
Guest Author
August 10, 2021
Summer Salvias
Tired of endless watering and changing out bedding plants? There’s
Brad Wier
August 3, 2021
Plants With Built-In Sunblock
Several local plants are uncommonly adept at blocking sunlight and
Cleveland Powell
August 3, 2021
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