Lower your water bill with proper summer irrigation.
Many South Texas homeowners have realized that their Zoysia, Bermuda or buffalo grass lawns can go dormant for the hottest, driest part of the summer and then green up within days when the rains begin again. Even St. Augustine grass in the shade can survive a San Antonio summer without watering. Choosing the dormancy option is the best way to keep your water bill low, but even if you choose to have a green lawn, the bill can be relatively low.
The average 8,000 square foot lawn uses nearly 3,500 gallons every time it is irrigated in mid-summer. Eliminating even two irrigation cycles in a month saves a tremendous amount of water and lowers your water bill. Grass appearance will be slightly less lush, but grass health will be fine.
Another option to save money is to follow our weekly irrigation advice in the Garden Style San Antonio e-newsletter. This online advice offers recommendations based on weather data that tells us how much water your lawn needs to stay green.
By Calvin Finch, Ph.D., Guest Author