Texas Thistle


Heartleaf Skullcap



Sun or partial shade, often found growing in thickets of Southwest Texas. Its leaves appear to grow straight out of the branches, giving it a narrow upright form even in its wild state. In the [...]


Seep Muhly

Full sun. A small perennial bunchgrass common on weeping limestone outcrops like those common in northern Bexar County. Its older leaves form distinctive, dense, curling fibrous masses; these [...]


Morning Glory

Sun. A perennial vine with cheerful purple flowers that easily make up for its long twining tendrils and habit of grabbing and climbing over adjacent plants. Names like \”purple [...]



Partial shade; best with up to 6 hours of morning sun. A short-lived biennial or perennial with blue-green leaves, blooming in red, white, pink and purple, mostly in spring but sometimes [...]


Wild Petunia

Sun or shade. Wild petunia is a small herbaceous perennial with purple trumpet-shaped flowers, blooming from spring to fall. The 2\” flowers bloom in loose panicles and last for a single [...]


Salvia ‘Mystic Spires’

Sun or partial sun. Mystic Spires is a compact version of the standby ‘Indigo Spires’ salvia — believed to have originated as an irradiated seedling. Spikes of deep purple [...]


Big Bluestem

Full sun or part shade; a tall, majestic native perennial grass. Leaves and stems exhibit a wide range of colors: green, blue, red and even purple, all on the same plant. Bunches of leaves grow [...]


Green Milkweed

Full sun or part shade. Perennial, with thick green foliage in excess of 24 inches tall and wide. This is one of the taller milkweeds native to San Antonio. A large umbel of intricate flowers is [...]