Mexican olive makes a dynamic focal point in a garden bed. And, it’s one of the many beautiful choices available for the fall WaterSaver Landscape Coupon.
Are you creating a new WaterSaver Landscape coupon bed and having a hard time selecting plants? I get it. It’s not easy — not easy to choose between all the beautiful plant choices, that is!
But here’s a simple way to start: first select your location and then pick the plants that will work in that spot.
This is very important – do not try to make plants work in a spot they just won’t work in just because you love the plant. I see that happen a lot with the Mexican olive. If you have a somewhat protected spot that gets full sun and has good drainage, Mexican olive (Cordia boissieri) is probably a lovely choice for you. So lovely, in fact, that I would design the bed around it, as it makes a dynamite focal point.
Mexican olive is mostly reliable here in San Antonio, however, if and when we have a freeze and it is not protected, it will die to the ground. So again, if you have the right place, this is the right plant.
In my accompanying WaterSaver Landscape coupon bed design, you’ll see Mexican olive is protected from strong winds by the fence, and it is surrounded by plants that will help keep the roots warm in the winter. Don’t forget to mulch in your new beds to retain moisture in the summer and warm the roots in the winter. Just avoid adding mulch right up against the trunk. Keep that trunk flare free of mulch so you don’t invite pests and disease.
The Mexican olive is native to areas of Texas that get less rainfall than San Antonio, so don’t overwater. In fact, once established, leave this gorgeous tree alone and sit back and watch it attract pollinators and hummingbirds as you sit out on your porch or look out your window and enjoy your thoughtful new garden that you designed to suit your spot! Good job!