Spider Lily

Heart-leaf Hibiscus

Heartleaf Skullcap

Eastern Red Cedar


Rocky limestone soil in well-drained east- or north-facing sites, shaded by oaks or junipers. Madrone is evergreen, with white flowers in spring. It may be Texas’ loveliest tree, with peeling […]

Sun or partial shade. Evergreen. A slender small tree native in Northern Mexico and around Rio Grande City in Texas. Crushed leaves are fragrant.
Yaupon Holly (Upright)

Sun or light shade. Evergreen. An interesting yaupon holly cultivar, admired for its architectural form. Like Italian cypress, this variety grows as a classic exclamation mark in the landscape, with […]

Partial shade or morning sun. Evergreen. A small tree or large shrub related to citrus, with glossy trifoliate foliage, white flowers, and unusual lobed seedpods (for a citrus) which explode […]
Thunder Turf

Full sun. A mix of buffalo grass, blue grama and curly mesquite; it can establish fairly quickly by seed (in about one month.) Thunderturf aims to provide a soft native […]

Full sun. A native turf mix (\”The Ecological Lawn\”) consisting of a mix of buffalo grass, blue grama and curly mesquite; it establishes quickly (in about one month) requires little […]