
Engelmann’s Daisy

This cheerful perennial grows up to 3 feet tall in full sun. The bright yellow flowers bloom from March until July, with the greatest occurrence during the spring. This is […]

Arizona Ash

Arizona Ash is a short-lived, very fast-growing ash that provides dappled shade. The leaves and twigs have noticeable \”velvet\” hairs. Trunks are distinctly furrowed and branch fairly low to the […]

Meyer Lemon

Lemon leaves and fruit.

Best in sun, but tolerates shade. Evergreen. Meyer is a citrus-tangerine hybrid popular with home gardens due to its compact size and abundant fruit. The lemons are plump, juicy, and […]


Sun or partial shade. Evergreen. A slender small tree native in Northern Mexico and around Rio Grande City in Texas. Crushed leaves are fragrant.


Guayacan flowers.

Sun or partial shade, often found growing in thickets of Southwest Texas. Its leaves appear to grow straight out of the branches, giving it a narrow upright form even in […]


At least 50% sun. An evergreen, tender tropical succulent with stiff, colorful leaves in a variety of silver, green and burgundy shades. Often grown as a potted plant, they’re hardy […]


Partial shade or morning sun. Evergreen. A small tree or large shrub related to citrus, with glossy trifoliate foliage, white flowers, and unusual lobed seedpods (for a citrus) which explode […]