Spider Lily
Heart-leaf Hibiscus
Arizona Ash
Arizona Ash is a short-lived, very fast-growing ash that provides dappled shade. The leaves and twigs have noticeable \”velvet\” hairs. Trunks are distinctly furrowed and branch fairly low to the […]
Loquat Oak
Sun. Evergreen. A fast-growing shade tree in the red oak subgroup, with large crinkled leaves that strongly resemble the unrelated Japanese loquat. In spring, the emerging new leaves add a […]
Old Man’s Beard
Sun or partial shade. A perennial vine, most often seen along roadsides or fences, where its wispy plumes are a signature of late summer. Male and female plants produce different […]
Morning Glory
Sun. A perennial vine with cheerful purple flowers that easily make up for its long twining tendrils and habit of grabbing and climbing over adjacent plants. Names like \”purple bindweed\” […]
Snake Apple
A native vine with deeply lobed leaves. The flowers are small and yellow, but the big red fruits they produce are distinctive and eye-catching. Balsam gourd grows well in part […]
Devil’s Bouquet
A low, sprawling annual that blooms throughout the warm season. The gray-green, fleshy foliage is sticky to the touch with a mottled appearance. The bright red flowers make it a […]
Full sun. A shrub the size of a small tree, with waxy flowers and a terrific perfume familiar to anyone who’s ever been presented a Hawaiian lei. The big tropical […]
Crape Myrtle
Full sun (crape myrtles will not bloom well in the shade around your live oaks.) Deciduous. Crape myrtle is a lovely ornamental with muscular trunks, colorful peeling bark, and a […]