In a region with 12 months of sunshine, little changes in the landscape from season to season. So it’s careful attention to details that count. Early spring flowers, redbuds, mountain laurels, Anacahuita, fluffy yellow globes on a Huisache tree and old-fashioned quince tell us spring is around the corner, and for me, the spots in my beds reserved for reseeding annuals start taking off.
With all the rain we’ve had this year my poppies and bunny larkspur (I know they’re not native, but indulge me my love for these tall flowers) are prospering, as are sweet volunteers like clover.
My yard style may be best described as informally casual with neat edges. Corralling the wildness in a defined bed border and including some anchor perennials allows for spontaneity and informality within that bed. In my yard, anchoring perennials include giant crinum lilies, split-leaf philodendron, butterfly bush, French thyme, rosemary, mountain laurel, aloe, shrimp plant, Artemisia and a cenizo.
If you’re in the city or live in a more formal neighborhood, making room for reseeding annuals is simple. Just corral those wildflowers in a bed with defined borders. Also, include perennials in the bed so structure is maintained throughout the year.