
Go With the Flow and Learn About Your Water Use

Water flow sensor devices record your water use and identify potential leaks in your system. Track your use and get peace of mind with help from our rebate program.

How much water does a shower use? What about the toilet or dishwasher? Well, now you can find out for sure.

As a self-proclaimed data nerd, I’ve been using a flow-sensing device that pairs with my Wi-Fi and smart phone to learn more about my water consumption and water-using appliances throughout my house. The device allows me to see my water use in near real-time and it can help catch any leaks.

Eager to see just how conservative my home is, I started the dishwasher and washing machines when I was leaving the house in an effort to identify how much (or how little) water they use. And I was a bit surprised by the results.

According to the flow sensor, my “efficient” washing machine uses more than 30 gallons to run a load of laundry — much more than what efficient washers are supposed to use — while my dishwasher used only 4.3 gallons. Considering an average sink holds 15 to 20 gallons, perhaps a dishwasher is more efficient, even with the water needed for pre-rinsing.

Are you ready to keep tabs on your water use in real time? Qualified SAWS customers can get a Flume Flow Sensor free after rebate. You pay only tax and shipping!

Learn more and apply online at

Picture of Martha Wright
Martha Wright
A Southern California native, Martha grew up understanding the importance of water conservation. She is the conservation manager of AMI Initiatives for SAWS. Using her love of data, Martha helps improve water conservation programs for customers and the utility. In her free time, she enjoys tending to one of her favorite plants — rock roses — or traveling to botanical gardens when Dale Chihuly has an exhibit.
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