
Sun or partial shade. Evergreen. A very large evergreen shrub, with abundant creamy flowers in spring. When it comes to photinia, most buyers are thinking of red-tipped photinia, whose new […]
Possum Grape

Partial shade. Evergreen, as long as it doesn’t freeze; otherwise perennial. An interesting native vine capable of climbing trees, stones, and walls; the tendrils have distinctive leaves and bluish berries […]

Full sun. A shrub the size of a small tree, with waxy flowers and a terrific perfume familiar to anyone who’s ever been presented a Hawaiian lei. The big tropical […]
Texas Milkweed

Sun or full Shade. A clump-forming deciduous perennial, up to 24 inches. Thin, dark green, oval shaped leaves grow in opposite pairs up the stem. Each stem is capped by […]
Wand Milkweed

Full sun or part shade. Perennial, stems are slender, up to three feet tall and produced singly or in pairs. The intricate green flowers appear in large umbels along the […]
Carolina Jessamine

Sun/part shade; evergreen, with masses of yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers in spring and fall. \n\nThe mounding, twining vines grow with an informal habit and can reach up to 20 feet, climbing […]

Sun; some protection from western sun can make for a more attractive plant. Evergreen, with mostly unbranched pale, waxy stems. Leaves and white flowers are both inconspicuous. The waxy coating […]
Japanese Yew

Shade or partial shade. Evergreen. An architectural shrub or small tree with flat, needle-like dark green leaves and a fairly conical shape. Many sizes and forms are available. Yew tolerates […]

Sun or partial shade; fuller form in sun. Thornless and evergreen, with soft, lime-green, strongly veined buckthorn leaves and a nice rounded shrub shape. It is one of the few […]

Partial sun. Long-lived and enduring. An herbaceous perennial with a tidy mound of foliage and big, feltlike borage leaves. Like few other garden plants, comfrey’s is considered nearly indestructible once […]