
Bat House Project to Drive Dad Batty!

Building a bat house project with kids is a fun educational activity. Bonus: It’s also a natural way to keep your yard bug-free!

Summer is finally here and the kids are out of school. There’s no better time for you and your kids to tackle a hands-on bat house project that’s educational and good for the environment.

Building a bat house is inexpensive and easy to make. There are many different companies that offer a set similar to this one.

The variety, type and style are unlimited so you can choose your own skill level. The kit we put together ran about $25.00 with shipping.

All the wood pieces are pre-punched so it took the guess work out of where to put the nails. Of course, starting the nails for them is helpful, as well as hands-over-hands support.

Erecting a bat house is a great way to teach children about the environmental advantages of these nocturnal flying mammals.

Picture of Lisa Spears
Lisa Spears
Lisa Spears’ mantra is recycle, reuse… and thrift shop! While no longer with SAWS Conservation, Lisa has now taken her considerable horticulture, design, and reuse skills, along with her fuzzy feline accomplices, to the Hill County where she is sharing her great advice to friends and neighbors.
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