
Arbor Amazing!

Are you looking for a dramatic change to your garden landscape? Then consider an arbor!

Arbors can hold vines, frame a view, create an entrance and a lot more. So start looking for that perfect spot.

What defines an arbor? An arbor:

  • Is a vertical structure that’s larger than a trellis, but usually not as massive as a pergola;
  • Is made of wood or iron;
  • Can incorporate seating.

Traditionally, an arbor is used to designate an entrance to the garden, but it’s also a great way to add height. And vines are perfectly suited for this application. One of my favorites is the purple passion vine. The blooms are dramatic and have a pleasing fragrance. Another fragrant, bloom-laden option is star jasmine.

Give some thought to the plantings around your arbor as well. Make it a focal point in your landscaping and an inviting place to spend the evening enjoying all that nature has to offer.

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Our Guest Authors are fantastic former SAWS employees, incredible interns and community leaders in the local landscaping world. They are all as passionate as we are about saving water with beautiful, diverse landscapes.
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